
  • 2 coley portions
  • 3tbsp plain flour
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 6 cream crackers, crushed into breadcrumbs
  • 2tbsp sunflower oil
  • Lemon wedges and 4tbsp light mayonnaise, to serve
  • Fresh parsley, to garnish



  1. Cut the portions into goujon sized chunks.
  2. Put the flour, egg and cracker ‘breadcrumbs’ into 3 separate, shallow bowls. Coat the fish firstly in the flour, then the egg, and then breadcrumbs.
  3. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the goujons for about 5 minutes, until golden. Serve with a lemon wedge and mayo, garnished with the parsley


Recipe from Fish is the Dish